Monday, 9 January 2012

An attempt at redemption

I usually don't make any resolutions for the New Year, but last year after reading a post on one of my favorite blogs; I took it upon myself to write down a list of triumphs and failures for 2011. Being the cynic that I am, even the smallest set backs seemed like catastrophic disasters, and after a couple of chocolate bars (couple is what I use when I don't want to reveal the actual number) and Bob Dylan tracks I decided to do something about the specs of dirt. Among the list of errands I made was to start blogging again, although I managed to gather enough enthusiasm to start last year, the sacred pool of passion eventually ran dry and I abruptly stopped (or to be blunt, got lazy and quit). So this is my second attempt at sharing my opinions, bitching about my life, reviewing music, movies and gadgets and ……..I want to say enlighten the world with my wisdom but I guess that would just be blatantly arrogant wouldn’t it :D.

P.S: A note of thanks to all my fellow bloggers, you are the muse that instigated me to start writing again.


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